Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Form- Extract of film psycho

Function- To create suspense and make the audience go out and watch the whole film

Media Language- Set in the 1960's. Point of view shots, to placed the audience at in the shoes of the victim.Low angled shot looking down on victim when she gets stabbed, High angled shot looking down on victim to emphasis on authority and power of the killer at that time. Fast editing between shots to emphasis on the murder occuring at a rapid pace. Mask on killer typical generic convention of slasher films. Purposely chose black and white despite having the option to make the film colour in order to create a sense of mystery, and add a more sinister and dark atmosphere.However another reason for the film possibly being in black and white may be to tone down on the violence and the scenes of goriness. Further the use of long and sharp weapons is a typical generic convention of slasher films(Phallic Objects).

- Patriarchal ideology reinforced, woman placed in a inferior position(final girl). Further a capitalist ideology is being reinforced as the protaganist steals money and is on the run.

Genre- Horror- Slasher

Representation- Women represented as victims and in an inferior manner to men. Made subjective to the male gaze as the woman is inferior to the man and is further good looking and shown dressed in a revealing manner in certain clips.

Audience- Being a Hitchcock film the audience is likely appeal to a male audience, as women are often portrayed as inferiors, and Hitchcock constructs the film in a manner where the audiences is expected to be male. Adult Males, probably around 25+ are likely to watch Psycho ,however young males over 15 also may be attracted to the film primarily due to the violenc.

- Paramount

- Linear narrative used.

Other Related Texts- Texas Chainsaw Massacre

WC(SHEP)- Relevant to the zeitgeist, as it reflects the current social and political development, i.e. the feminists and women now in employment, and no longer only housewives. Socially there is reflection of a capitalist society, where getting money is of the highest importance. Economically the fact that the woman steals the money reflects that not all people are able to do so in the 1960's hence some may resort to crime in order to get hold of money.

Relevant Theories- Laura Mulvey and the Male gaze, Freud- Phallic weapons, Levi Strauss- Binary oppositions.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Form- Ending Clip of Texas Chainsaw massacre dir: Tod Hopper 1974, U.S.A.

Function- To shock the audience, curious to the build up at the end, makes them wonder if the victim will escape or not

Media Language- Low angled shot, looking up at murderer with the chainsaw at various bits in the clip whilst he is attacking the truck e.t.c. However a High angled shot looking down at him when he is attacked and drops the chainsaw on his leg. Point of view shots to place audience in the position of the victim e.g. whilst the car is driving away looking at the killer from a great distance. Close ups on the victim, to emphasis on the goriness e.g. blood covered body and face and various wounds. Mask on killer typical generic convention of Slasher films. Use of Phallic weapons- Chainsaws, Knives e.t.c.

Institution- Vortex
-Consolidated Film Industries (CFI) Screen Time Images Todd-AO Studios. Low budget Film.

Genre- Horror- Slasher

Representation- MenDominant, female the victim throughout the film, at the worst end of everything despite escaping.

Audience- Likely to attract teenagers and an adult audiences, as the protaganists within the film are teenagers. The high amount of gore within the film would appeal to many adults. However Males are more likely to view the film as opposed to females due to the very explicit violence.

Patriarchy, men dominant throughout the film. Arguably to an extent an equal rights ideology- as the woman escapes.

Narrative- Use of Enigma in the narrative, the audience predicts what will occur if the victim will escape or not as the killer at various points in the ending clip, comes extremely close to killing her and capturing her once she escapes. Linear Narrative as there is no disruptions in what occurs, everything is shown as it happens.

Issues and Debates- May not be so patriarchal and dominated as the woman escapes well of and in a position of dominance, as it appears she is laughing at the deranged killer whilst she drives off.

Wider Context
- Relates to the zeitgeist as during the 1970's, there was a shortage in oil in the U.S.A. made relevant as the whole reason why they are stuck in that area, is due to their hunt for finding petrol. Also the developments of the feminists. Women taking on more of a protaganists role and becoming increasingly dominant within film. Further there is technological development reflected in society in the 70's as the killers used to work in a slaughter house and have their desires of killing and torturing conducted whilst they worked. However due to technological development machinery was made available during the 70's no longer requiring the killers to work, hence making them conduct their neccesities of torture upon humans.


Both texts make use of suspense e.t.c., in order to keep the audience attracted and engaged

Both have a shocking disruption to the narrative, e.g. the initial murder scenes, shock the audiences

Both set in the present day according to when they were made typical generic conventions

Both make use of typical generic conventions such as Phallic Weapons

However Psycho does not have a final girl who escapes

Texas Chainsaw Massacre has social reflection of an audience that is developing and enjoying being exposed to greater violence and scenes of goriness in the 70's, as oppose to psycho in the 60's

Texas Chainsaw Massacre makes use of greater generic conventions of a Slasher film then Psycho does, e.g. the Final Girl that escapes, a group of teenagers on a road trip victimised

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